A Path to Follow


A Path To Follow Inc. Board of Directors

A Path To Follow is now A Path To Follow Inc.  What does that mean? It means we have made a legal commitment to provide services to the community and only use our profits to put back into those services for community. To enable this next big move, we needed a small team with aligned philosophies to guide our service.  It is my great pleasure to begin introducing you to these very people here. Amy – Vice President Amy comes to A Path To Follow Inc. with both living experience and professional experience in mental health. We could not think of a more fitting Director to introduce on International Women’s Day 2023. In Amy’s short bio you will read about her perspective on gender equity, her love of art and much, much more. Read on here

Marching into 2021 with a Not For Profit Purpose

Marching into 2021 with a Not For Profit Purpose Join Us APPLICATIONS EXTENDED UNTIL JAN 29TH 2021 After much pondering, mixed with a fair dose of frustration and followed by a renewed determination, I have decided it is time to take APTF into the Not For Profit world? We need like minded and supportive people to join us on our Board of Directors. Is that you? Why? Long story short? Yep, of course, no one really likes the long story. Short story is that I want to be able to throw our very valid and worthy hat in the ring when it comes to government and related funding opportunities. Currently most of the these grants are only open to those organisations who are incorporated.  I cannot continue to devote so much time to securing sponsorships and donations and I choose not to continue to hit up those same type of people who enabled support to our clients this far. Once I began my preparation, I also ran headfirst into another reason; the flip side of a reason I was actually avoiding the NFP status. I have loved the independence and autonomy of having my own business and not having to answer to anyone else. Then I got lonely and then I got real. Not only is it selfish and unrealistic to think I can achieve our vision on my own; it ignores a core strength of my work ethic. I love team and I love leading and participating within them. Through registering as a NFP I get to gather and collaborate with a team of individuals with like purposes and philosophies around mental wellbeing. Interested? We need to fulfil the mandatory roles of President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer. There are also general Director positions available. We welcome ALL people who can fulfil the stated criteria to apply and especially welcome young people, and people with lived experience of mental health challenges or carers thereof. When?  Nominations to be on the Board of Directors closes COB January 29th 2021. First Meeting- Feb 17th (time tbc) Where?  Via Zoom How?  Email your nominations to kirstie@apathtofollow.com.au Advertisement Board Code of Conduct Nomination Form Never miss out on your news, sign up here.  

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